
Aquarius Yearly Horoscope & Predictions

Year 2025
  1. Rashifal Adda
  2. Yearly Horoscope
  3. Aquarius Yearly Horoscope & Predictions
Aquarius Yearly Horoscope & Predictions

2021 as a year is likely to give you more experience than usual. Being the lord of Saturn in the 12th house for your zodiac sign, stress will increase in the first few months. It is a combination of a weak Jupiter. Being the lord of 2nd and 11th, it will increase tension and tension. Many of your plans may not go according to the scheduled activities, and this can cause some frustration in the beginning. For some people, these events may be a first-time experience that can be emotionally taxing. However, as the year 2021 progresses, you will be happy with the way life turns in your favor.

A good part of the year 2021 is the transit of Jupiter in your zodiac from April 2021. Transit of Jupiter is considered very auspicious in finances and money, romance, marriage, education, profession and even in expanding social circle. Therefore, you will see an extension in your life in all the above cases which was discussed and you will be happy with the progress with which you enjoy.

But initially, in the year 2021 there will be some tough moments regarding finance and money. You will see a constant and steady increase in spending which can make you dizzy at times. There may be occasions where spending will exceed the flow of income, forcing aquatic natives to rely on short-term debt. Make sure that such credits are limited to the short term only, as such credits can entice you to take a big risk. Especially in the first of the year. Slowly from the middle of the year you will see a steady growth and the second half of the year will be better than the first half. In fact, the year is promising for those wanting to invest in property. Be it a first purchase or an investment, you will enjoy seeing the option before investing.

The year 2021 onwards will bring some surprises for the natives of Aquarius. From the middle of the year, there is a high probability that you will meet someone important in your personal life. Emotional engagement with this new person will sow the seeds of romance and love. You will soon get into a romantic relationship with this special person. The love and concern you had in your life as a person will be filled by this special person. Gradually, both of you will decide to settle into a permanent marriage relationship. Your emotional bond will become a legal bond.

The transit of Jupiter under your sign will be auspicious for students planning to pursue higher studies. Your dedication and effort will give you good results from the beginning of the month. Students who have already taken a clear plan of action will succeed in executing it. In fact, your dedication and hard work is the root of every success during the year.

With the prospects of a good education, the future of a better career is also promised. Make sure you are clear with your fundamental knowledge as students can also enjoy a good campus placement opportunity. Even those looking for a new opportunity are likely to find one with their efforts and networking skills. After May 2021, the eager Aquarian native can pursue his dream in starting a venture.

When it comes to health, the natives of Kumbh are known to be more careful regarding their fitness and regular activities. Yours is specific to your diet and even make sure that you eat at the appropriate time of day. This discipline can be a bit annoying because your appetite is likely to increase, so your food is intact. Now you have to be careful with your diet. This will give you some fitness that you have been maintaining for a very long time.


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